So many great things are taking place in the classrooms and campuses of Cleburne ISD! Every week we welcome a new group of visitors to tour the new Cleburne High School, most recently administrators from the Cleburne campus of Hill College and Texas State Technical College-Waco.
From academic classroom wings to expanded Career and Technical Education facilities, these college officials were amazed—and thrilled—by the new learning environments provided through our community’s passage of Bond 2016, and the many opportunities we are able to provide our students.
Members of the CHS Class of 2023—our incoming freshmen—and their parents, along with many from the community received an in-depth look at what is offered in Career and Technical Education, and enjoyed hands-on activities, at the 3rd Annual CTE Showcase. The evening was student-led as participants in the CTE program welcomed guests and provided an overview of class offerings, certifications and leadership/skills competitions available to those involved in CTE student organizations.
Our celebration of Texas Public Schools Week, March 4-8, was highlighted by the Cleburne ISD Multicultural Fair. This is the fifth year we have presented this family/community event, with co-sponsorship by the City of Cleburne. Our celebration of the many cultures within our schools and community featured student performing groups, an exhibit of student projects, STEM-related children’s activities and a host of information booths relating to services and programs for children and families provided by CISD and community agencies.
On March 28, we will be hosting our annual Jacket Jaunt Senior Tour, a morning event especially for our senior-age stakeholders. We will gather at the CISD Central Offices then travel to Irving Elementary to see 21st Century learners engaged in the three Rs. Those on the tour will also visit Irving’s Two-Way Dual Language kindergarten and first grade classrooms to witness students learning and conversing in core subjects–in two languages. The rest of the morning, including lunch, will be spent at the new Cleburne High School. Make your Jacket Jaunt reservations with Lisa Magers, CISD director of community relations, 817-202-1127 or email lmagers@c-isd.com.
The 2018-19 school year is flying by quickly and before we know it, we will be at the end of the year and celebrating the achievements of our seniors as they begin a new chapter in their lives. We will be hosting the May 24 Cleburne High School Graduation Exercises at The Depot again this year. We are very appreciative of The Railroaders for their partnership in allowing us use of their beautiful facility.
I encourage you to stay informed of the many activities and achievements taking place on our campuses–every day–by visiting our website, www.c-isd.com or District and campus Facebook pages. You can also keep up with CISD happenings on Twitter.
If you are interested in visiting the new Cleburne High School, or any of our CISD campuses, the welcome mat is always out. We would love to hear from you and arrange a tour. We are very proud of our students, staff and schools and value the involvement and support of our community in making Excellence Happen Here in CISD.